

Symbio draws the listener in with their intoxicating combination of vast audio landscapes and earthy grooves, driven by a deliciously unexpected combination of hurdy-gurdy and accordion. The duo creates a playful dialogue full of joyful energy, subtleties and virtuosity, where two becomes more than the sum of its parts. This is musical storytelling at its finest! “I have a feeling that Johannes Geworkian Hellman and LarsEmil Öjeberget were destined to make music together, regardless of what instruments they might have played.” (Fiona Talkington, Songlines Magazine, UK) 

Johannes Geworkian Hellman – hurdy-gurdy
LarsEmil Öjeberget – accordion, kickbox

Booking: Contact artist for booking 
0046 73 67 50 310 (Johannes Geworkian Hellman) 

Photo: Sona Hellman